
Right now, I am sitting in a quaint coffee shop on the corner of Cleveland and pier view by the beach...blogging on my iPhone (I know...I'm even annoying myself right now) that mom so graciously bought me for my upcoming birthday. I am one or two more layouts away from being considered "tan" and I haven't been bored since I got here, despite being dead broke with no job (interview on Monday morning though !). I don't think I'll want to leave this place.

Some hilights:

All of my roomates are here! The first couple of days it was just Bryn and I since regis was out of town and fiona hadn't moved yet. Fiona is the girl I share a room with and she just up and moved without planning just like me. She and regis are from philidalphia and immidietly fiona and I were kindred spirits when within literally minutes of meeting her, she was showing me photos he had taken on her phone of her most interesting hospital patients. example: "here's a 700 pound man!" and "oh this is a pic of a wound filled with maggots!" extremely gross and most likely unethical but I love it.

Regis, my other roomate, has this uncle who is an independent film director (he directed the gymnast and is making a new movie called "a marine story"), so we went on wednesday to a party in west Hollywood celebrating his new film. She also has had the swine flu. Literally, she was diagnosed and everything..so that's pretty cool. Ha.

And of course I have gotten hang out time with my other half freshman year of college and funniest person I know, Brooklynn. She is really the best. I had a mini ( okay, big) breakdown the other night because I did something stupid. The first day I moved in, Bryn told me that they had put down an $1800 security deposit and wouldn't get it back at all if anything happened to the carpet so I needed to be very cautious. So, naturally, I leave my straightened on all night ON THE CARPET and burned it. Awesome. I seriously about died. So I went to brooklynns and just bawled. You know when you're crying so hard and you're explaining why you're crying and it just sounds so stupid that you are also simutaniously cracking up laughing? That was me. Inbetween wails of "I burned their carpet with the straightener!!" I couldn't stop laughing. It was a great releasebof emotions and we were up til 4am talking. I love friends like that.
And my roomates are so sweet about it and I feel like it's made us closer because we have been constanty joking about it...something I didn't think would happen for a year at least. Ha.

Okay, enough blabbing. I have photos for you. Feast your eyes: