me- are you watching it?
laura- yeah! oh dang! bart died! i'll have to watch it tomorrow (last week's). good for rufus but i'm scared for lilly! and serena and dan better not get back together!
me- i know! it's crazy. ok lilly's mom on the show must be her real mom because they are twins.
laura- i know! i thought the same thing!
laura- did you just see jenny's purse?
me- no, what was it?
laura- it was a black clutch with a massive gold safety pin as its handle.
me- god serena is such a selfish bitch.
laura- i know. i can't stand her. i hope she pulls a mischa barton and gets killed in a car crash off a cliff! they could use the golden gate bridge!
me- hahaha!the golden gate bridge? don't you mean the brooklyn bridge? haha! but i agree. why the HELL does she care that dan is there?! like who does she think she is?! i'm so mad! haha!
laura- you know they are going to play that love triangle up. yeah, i meant that bridge. ha ha!
did rufus and lilly sleep together?
me- yeah i'm sure. they dated. during season one i always thought one of the humphrey kids was lillys. or vice versa. serena a humphrey! and i hate the stupid love triangle. this whole show should revolve around blair.
ok and jenny needs to shutup and dye her roots.
laura- i know! haha! i meant did they sleep together last week?
me- ohh. no they didn't.
laura- haha! roots don't really bother me until they are inches long.
me- omg! lilly! everyone is pissing me off!
laura- they did last season.
me-did they? i don't remember that!
laura- at the end. the night before she married bart.
me- oh i forgot!

me- ok. i'm really sad chuck didn't tell blair he loved her back! but i'm also glad they are building up this relationship so long. i think that means it'll last on the show. i hope! and i really want to see that bride wars movie. ha!
laura- i agree about the chuck and blair thing! and bride wars! ha ha!
me- i love that the bald teacher from clueless is blair's future stepdad. haha! and her outfit! i want. AND serena's new boyfriend looks like a child molester.
laura- i think he's hot! the bald guy is from princess bride which is what i keep thinking!
laura- i'm so scared for lilly and rufus! can't they just be happy for a little bit?!
me- haha he is! i forgot! is lilly really going to go away with another man the day of her husband's funeral? pffft.
me- i know! and dan is about to ruin it for them!
laura- she's going away with the love of her life!
me- still. she could have at least waited a day! it will look bad.
laura- BUT! maybe serena will remember and keep it that way? since she kind of owes her mom?!
me- yeah she owes her mom! and she owes the watchers of the show to make a selfless move! haha! i wish that in high school i had a college boyfriend that took me to buenes aires for christmas. i'm sorry he is just way creepy.
me- dan is so awkward in every scene. blair will never need serena's fashion advice.
laura- i know. he was more hot last year!
me- he was! actually his best days were in john tucker must die!
me- clueless teacher is wearing a yamaka! haha! i really love them.
laura- please make it!!!! please...
me- i know! ok we better know the reason behind the mental institution tonight.
laura- i have a feeling it's rufus. like her mom wouldn't let her be with him or something and she couldn't handle... i don't know. we won't...don't get your hopes up!!!
me- but what would that have to do with bart bass? like why was chuck so mad? there has to be another part.
laura- that's not it. Hmmm...
me- omg. here it comes.
laura- dan is so selfish too! kids these days!
me- hahaha! he is! aw! blair and chuck are spooning!
me- omg! so she had an abortion? what?
laura- what did the end note say? they had a freaking kid!!! I KNEW IT HAD TO DO WITH RUFUS!!!! january fifth?! that's so long!!!
laura- her mom! i'm telling you!
me- ugh. always leaving us hanging! i really think either serena or her brother is rufus' kid. and i know! i can't wait that long! her mom what?
laura-no, dude...they would have stopped them from being together! that's nasty!
laura- it's lilly's mom! that's why she had an abortion!
me- no serena's brother. no one was together with him he is gay! there has to be something more than just an abortion. she went away to france to have the baby and made it look like she was at the mental institution. then the baby was given up for adoption. and rufus is mad since she never told him.
laura- well...we shall see...
now wasn't that fun?
katie... i want to read your post, but i wont let myself because i plan to start watching gossip girl asap. i am sorry.
oh please do start. and you must start from season one. it can be a replacement for twilight! so you don't have to study anymore!
Jenny's safety pin clutch can be found at
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