phhil's USB chord works with thanks to a four hour layover in newark i can put pictures on here!
all the lame included.
new mexico!
my team
our past-time in the airports..and in general cool is a rupee?! seriously.
i've got the largest suitcase that i could find packed full of charmin travel rolls and clothes i probably won't even wear. it's time to go to india!
the past five days or so, i have been in new mexico to meet my team and to train for our trip. i was super pumped to meet my team, not so super pumped for training camp. i didn't think five days were neccessary and the outdoors in the summertime just isn't my idea of fun. and don't even get me started on stupid "getting to know you" games. but i was surprised and had a really great time! my team (me, allie, phil, whitney) is AMAZING. i couldn't have asked for better. we bonded instantly with literally no awkwardness. besides being incredibly good looking, we were probably the funniest people there. ;) i have pictures, but i need to buy a new USB chord because i lost mine (let me remind you i purchased said camera last week). but they will be up soon enough.
anyways, new mexico was beautiful and perfect weather. i like it when the tempurature feels like the inside of an air conditioned building with the windows open to let in a breeze, and that's what it was. haha. after hearing lecture upon lecture on keeping my body well hydrated in altitude, we went the second day and "hiked" a little ways up to the ropes course. of course, i had only drank like one cup of water that day, but i always assume i know myself and body better than anyone else...and that i'm always right. i realized the error of my ways when i got up there and almost puked on someone. then i was informed that myself and a few others were the only ones that could lead this particular ropes course, and that the others in the group couldn't talk. awesome...i then drank bottle after bottle of water from then on. lesson learned.
i also woke up EACH night around 3:30am with an incredibly stuffy nose. all day i would be fine, and all night before and after it would be normal. it was the strangest thing. so, here i am waking up and probably annoying all the other ten girls in my cabin with my incessant sniffling. of course i don't want to get up because i'm exhausted, so i try to tough it out. i'm aware that it's inevetable that i'm going to have to get up and blow my nose, but for some reason i still wait and sniff...and sniff...and sniff. have you ever tried to quietly sniff when you are so miserable, and you know that just one blow of the nose could solve all your problems? it sucks. so after about ten minutes of this sniffling, each night mind you, i wake up and as quietly as i can walk to the bathroom to blow my nose. and i don't even have to mention that i run into every suitcase on the way, and that the bathroom door creeks and the inside echos. blowing your nose quietly is almost as excruciating as sniffling quietly. when i'm done, i go back to bed and am fine. odd.
okay, i have a bajillion hour flight ahead of me and i can't sleep on planes. so goodnight.
If i was one of those 10 girls.... oh man. I can just see you creeping through the dark to get to the bathroom. hahaha. Anyway, have a wonderful time. You are in our prayers. We love you.
hahaha katie I totally know what you mean with the just blowing your nose once will solve all your problems! I cant wait to hear about india. I sat next to a girl who was a missionary in India at church today and thought of you.
Rebecca is moving into her new house, the gas pipes leak, the water pipes leak and she says she's moving back in with us for the immediate future. She brought Meg and Jack over last night and we are trying to survive. I planned a BBQ and am makings Grandma's baked beans, salad and some pork steaks. I looked out the window to see how the grill looks when Jasper walked by, lifted his leg and pee'ed all over it! Guess I'll be washing that thing in some major disinfectant before cooking anything today!The temp here is hot, hot, hot, we had some storms last night, just lightening and thunder, no rain.
Good luck with the cord shopping, I didn't realize when you told me about it that it would keep you from posting pictures! That would really stink if you can't find anyting.
Well, I miss you terribly already! I'm now worried that you'll need more allergy medicine in India than what you have with you and am really glad you have that big box of tissues. I realize that New Mexico at 3:30 in the morning and India are two different things but you know me and my irrational worry-wartism. That said, I really loved the narrative.
I love you! If you read this before you leave Newark have a good flight and call me before you get on the next plane!
HAHA "besides being increadibly good looking..."
ickkk playing-get-to-know-you games and the out-doors, i know, haha!! i'm so glad it was such fun times! i am eagerly awaiting an india post to hear how amazing it is!! best summer EVER!
Hi Katie..have been looking for you every day..what a nice surprise to find you tonight..
Will be looking for you each day....Love, Grandma
Katie just texted that her plane is leaving. It's about 10:00 PM so she should be there at 10:00 AM tomorrow (our time). I'll let you know if I hear from her, she's supposed to let me know although the blog may be the best way to keep track.
aww katie! I am so excited for you! I know that this is going to be an amazing experience, just make sure you journal everyday ok! and you are probably going to make some amazing friends too.
anyways, I am praying.
love you.
I saw baby mama today, haha.
umm... mind you that you have repeated the scenario of "3am nose blowing" about a thousand times in our dorm room! It's ok though... it's not as noticeable as you may think and I love you regardless.
I pray you never break your ankle tripping on the way to the bathroom though.
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