the proof is in the pictures.
i'll have to start with the obligatory christmas photos.
on christmas eve the grandparents and i headed over to kara and nate's to decorate COOKIES! for some reason, kara had only purchased cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies. i told her this was not acceptable. in order for it to be an official christmas cookie decorating...thing...the cookies must be sugar and they must be in christmas shapes along with red and green frosting and sprinkles. wow, kara is so lucky that i had been there to guide her. we headed to schnucks and $15 later we were ready to decorate!
it's a very serious process. also, that awesome sweater i am wearing was handed down by my grandmother who is a former teacher. isn't it perfect? it breaks every rule of fashion and is still fabulous. ha.
how nice
as you can see above, our poor cookies that we spent so long cutting out expanded in the oven beyond normal cookie-expansion. a lot of them ended looking like giant blobs. oh well.
moving onto the family christmas party.....
here is a photo of my grandfather looking like he is plotting to murder the entire family at any moment.
prepare for your heart to melt at this next one of michelle and grace. they are so sweet! can you see the family resemblance?
it was a merry christmas. although, i've noticed each year that christmas is less and less exciting. it's more fun when you're a kid. thanksgiving is so much better.
anyways, the next day my cousin grace was having her 6th birthday party. she had a princess party. the girls got dressed up in the many costumes that grace and michelle have. they decorated princess crowns with jewels and ate cupcakes.
prepare yourself for the cuteness of the next photo.
the two on the left are not my cousins. notice on the far left the little girl not wearing a crown or a dress? she was the one at the party who didn't like anything. she didn't like dressing up. she didn't like cupcakes. she didn't want to wear her crown. after my aunt ann took the photos, she said "i didn't smile in the pictures, i just went like this" (she then showed that her mouth was just in a straight line...NOT a smile) it sounds super annoying but she was actually hilarious. it was just so ridiculous it was funny. she told us she liked "boy stuff" like transformers and wii. at least she isn't afraid to be who she is. ha.
after the princess party i took my cousin madison on our long awaited date to starbucks. she couldn't wait to go and get a treat. she asked me if the treats would be shaped like dog treats. haha.
notice the silver purse on the table. that is madison's "big girl" purse, filled with all the essentials: nail polish, lipstick, and other varius makeup that santa brought her. she is the girliest little girl of them all. we get along quite nicely.
i love it. love them all.
speaking of "cute", jon and kate plus 8 are having their marathon of favorite episodes today. YES! being on christmas break means that i can sit around and watch television all day. how wonderful. anyways, i love kate. everyone thinks she is controlling and obnoxious but i think she is great and funny- despite the fact that she always wears capri pants. and how sweet is little aidan with those glasses!! and poor one likes her. she is such a snot. and the sad thing is if you were to ask my mom, she would probably say that i was like maddie when i was her age. and i would have to agree with her. sorry mom. us oldest girls just have to be the boss.
jon and kate plus 8 makes me want to marry an asian guy and have like 15 cute little asian babies...and get my own show. leslie said it can be called "jon and katie plus 80". sounds perfcet.