
brooklynn and aaron are engaged!!!

she broke the news via text (a big no-no, but i forgive her. plus, i was the first she called and told the story to) as i was in the bathtub playing Words with Friends. i got out of the bath to run into the living room to tell the fam but they had already seen it on facebook. ha. typical brooklynn!

i'm so excited for them. their love story is my favorite and brooklynn makes fun of me for telling it to random people all the time. but i can't help myself. aaron is the epitome of a good man and treats brooklynn like every woman dreams and deserves to be treated. he should teach man lessons.
brooklynn is one of my very best friends and has been a constant source of laughter, accountability, and consistancy in my life. she's one of those friends who will always be honest and tell me the things i might not want to hear, but need to hear- not for the sake of bringing me down, but to build me up and have my back along the way. she's so awesome; i hope everyone has a friend like her.

i tried proposing a couple of christmases ago, but my ring of seaweed didn't suit her innermost desires.


since i'm feeling sentimental- a new friendship...freshman year of college

new years 2008 in maine; this summer in california :)

i would put funny memories on here, but there are too many and they probably would only be funny to us. i'll just say that most of them involve quoting chris farley movies, snl, staying up into the wee hours of the morning crying and/or making embarassing videos, the internet, and laughing our heads off.

*EDIT if this convo (from facebook) doesn't sum up our friendship, i don't know what does.

Katie Johnson ok what the heck on my news feed it says "brooklynn mears is engaged to aaron salvato" and then theres a picture included of karen with an umbrella..???! hahahhahaha

25 minutes ago · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
haha what! where is it?
19 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
its this picture:

Brooklynn Mears is engaged to Aaron Salvato.
7 minutes ago · Comment · Like
17 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
17 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
hhahahaha i know i like can't stop laughing!!!!! what on earth?!?!
16 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
ok thats a picture of karen in york. she took it and I think tagged me because its in front of my flat and then I tagged aaron because the blue door you see was aarons flat haha so random
16 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
hahaha where it all began...
15 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
HAHAHAH omg i can tell you are like being so serious...but like not at the same time...but omg that is so true...WEIRD!
15 minutes ago
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
its like facebook knew haha
14 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
HAHAHAH!!! it IS like facebook knew! that's weird....maybe a little TOO weird...
14 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
HAHAHAHAHAHAH ahhhh one night me and bryn literally said that after everything we said and laughed equally as hard each time....we'd be like yeah its so cold in here....maybe a little TOO cold. hahah
13 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
hahahaha! that is so funny!!!! i wish i were there! but since i wasn't i'll just do what i always do- make myself part of the joke
11 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
HAHAHAHA ahhhhh omg.....
10 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
hahahha im re-reading this and im cracking up at you like putting the pieces together about how the picture of karen got there...such a little detective hahahahhahha
10 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
hahahahahahhahahahah omg can I type like any more hahahahs remember how we like evaluated our hahahas and like how important it was to have a certain amount of them haha
9 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
hahahahahah yes!
ha= rude, sarcastic
haha=sympathy laugh
hahaha=alright, gotta hand it to ya..that's pretty funny
hahahaha+ = laughing out loud... See More
HAHAHAHA= seriously that's hilarious and i'm laughing aloud.
6 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hahahahahahahaha i love the gotta hand it to you part
6 minutes ago
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
Katie "we are the funniest girls at SNU....dare I say the word"or "maybe a little tooooo funny" hahahahah
5 minutes ago
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
haha I said "part like you were doing a joke hahaha
5 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
hahahahahahahahaha! part!! or what if you were like "oh yes, i love that bit where you said gotta hand it to ya" hahahahahah
3 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
omg so many things to laugh about....I better delete this convo so it doesnt take up my whole facebook and people still see that I am recently engaged hahahahahaha
2 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
ok but NOT YET!
2 minutes ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
2 minutes ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
and it won't take it up itll only show like two comments and then some will have the option to look into it further if they wish to do so.
about a minute ago ·
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
^ dead serious
about a minute ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
yeah I just noticed that
about a minute ago
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
omg we are being so serious about this hahahahah
about a minute ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
umm did you say that about being serious before seeing what i wrote?! hahahaha
about a minute ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
HAha i typed that before i saw your dead serious thing hahaha
about a minute ago
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
HAHAHa omg hahahhahahaha
32 seconds ago
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
AHHHHH hahahahah ok i love you so much right now hahahaha
29 seconds ago ·
Brooklynn Mears
Brooklynn Mears
i know im like falling in love with you all over again hahahaha
4 seconds ago

congratulations, brooklynn and aaron! i love you guys!


one of my favorite SNL skits ever.

i thought of these videos the other day when my sister and i saw a PORCUPINE in her yard.
i wish SNL were still this good.

Brian Fellows Safari Planet Part 1 - The most amazing home videos are here


I hate titling these.

Last night was one of those nights where I couldn't stop tossing and turning. My mind and body couldn't seem to agree on what to do. Around 6am I saw the light of day peeking through my blinds and I knew there was no way I could sleep now. After giving it some serious thought, at 6:15 I got out of bed and gave into my body's restlessness. I decided I would do my favorite thing- run on the beach.
A few weeks ago, the token nice lady at church ( you know her. Every congregation has one) told my roomates and I that sometimes we have restless sleep because maybe the Lord wants us to pray for someone, or that we need to hear something important from Him. I kind of dismissed her words as "token sweet church lady fluff-talk" but it was a nice thought.

At 6:30 I set out for my run. I'd never seen the beach look like it did; the tide was low and the sand was perfectly smooth. It was cloudy, cool, and practically deserted besides the few old men with their gold-digging machine things.
It was odd the random people that popped in my head mid-run. I got to thinking about Nice Church Lady and what she had said. So, I took the time I had this morning to be alone and to think and pray.
As I got caught up in how great of a person I was being, I was suddenly humbled when "what's your fantasy" by Ludacris had been playing on my pandora for at least a minute without me realizing it (that's the second time that song has played since yesterday).
Good thing the Lord forgives.

Anywho, I will be away from the beach and back to Oklahoma on august 4th. Boo hoo. Snu starts a few weeks after that. I wonder if I'd feel as inspired on a 6:30am run around Bethany after a sleepless night?
Truthfully, I'd probably just lay in bed til it was time to get up. But I'll work on it.



it's already july. in less than 12 days, i'll be 22. that is old. i don't feel old, but my age sounds old. i think i'll just celebrate being 21 for 11 more days instead.

life updates:
i still love it here. i go to the beach every. single. day. i've never been outside more in my life. i think i only go inside to sleep, really. i walk on the beach like no other.

my roomates are the most encouraging and wonderful friends. we have so much fun together. last night we drove around in regis' convertable blasting rap music in case the neighbors were starting to think we lived in a safe neighborhood.

we also bought some fish for our house. they swim about freely in their tank that sits on the table. mine is a big black fish named tanysha letashion booth bhudda bug.

bryn, fiona, and regis picking out the fish:

bryn and fiona found a cat. over my dead body.

their home!!

aaaand some more pictures:

my beach:


my roomate, fiona.


Right now, I am sitting in a quaint coffee shop on the corner of Cleveland and pier view by the beach...blogging on my iPhone (I know...I'm even annoying myself right now) that mom so graciously bought me for my upcoming birthday. I am one or two more layouts away from being considered "tan" and I haven't been bored since I got here, despite being dead broke with no job (interview on Monday morning though !). I don't think I'll want to leave this place.

Some hilights:

All of my roomates are here! The first couple of days it was just Bryn and I since regis was out of town and fiona hadn't moved yet. Fiona is the girl I share a room with and she just up and moved without planning just like me. She and regis are from philidalphia and immidietly fiona and I were kindred spirits when within literally minutes of meeting her, she was showing me photos he had taken on her phone of her most interesting hospital patients. example: "here's a 700 pound man!" and "oh this is a pic of a wound filled with maggots!" extremely gross and most likely unethical but I love it.

Regis, my other roomate, has this uncle who is an independent film director (he directed the gymnast and is making a new movie called "a marine story"), so we went on wednesday to a party in west Hollywood celebrating his new film. She also has had the swine flu. Literally, she was diagnosed and everything..so that's pretty cool. Ha.

And of course I have gotten hang out time with my other half freshman year of college and funniest person I know, Brooklynn. She is really the best. I had a mini ( okay, big) breakdown the other night because I did something stupid. The first day I moved in, Bryn told me that they had put down an $1800 security deposit and wouldn't get it back at all if anything happened to the carpet so I needed to be very cautious. So, naturally, I leave my straightened on all night ON THE CARPET and burned it. Awesome. I seriously about died. So I went to brooklynns and just bawled. You know when you're crying so hard and you're explaining why you're crying and it just sounds so stupid that you are also simutaniously cracking up laughing? That was me. Inbetween wails of "I burned their carpet with the straightener!!" I couldn't stop laughing. It was a great releasebof emotions and we were up til 4am talking. I love friends like that.
And my roomates are so sweet about it and I feel like it's made us closer because we have been constanty joking about it...something I didn't think would happen for a year at least. Ha.

Okay, enough blabbing. I have photos for you. Feast your eyes:


^ this is oceanside. in two weeks, i am going to be living in an apartment with 3 other girls that is walking distance from this very spot. for the whole summer.

first order of business:

purchase a bicycle, with a basket, that will be my bff. when i was a kid, i used to ride my bicycle everyday for hours. i cannot wait to do the same in california.

other than that, i am going to work, hang out with brooklynn (my other half freshman year of college), and do my own thing.

it's going to be awesome.


don't you think you oughta know by now...

for almost 22 years now, i have been alive and kicking; i've been through 22 years of experiences, and whether they be good or bad, i've learned/am learning from them all.
but...as a human being of normal cognitive functioning, there are some experiences that should never need to re-occur because the outcome of said experiences were just crappy and made me feel stupid. so why do these types of events happen over and over again?

by now, i should've known:

-you can't open a bottle of diet coke straight from the vending machine without waiting a couple of minutes. swiftly twisting off the cap will result in an overflow of carbonation onto your hands, possibly down your shirt, and onto the floor (or worse: your shoes). if you are in public, which you probably are because i don't know anyone with a vending machine in their home, you will probably feel stupid as you stand there with your arms out in that frozen and shocked "oh-crap-i-just-opened-my-diet-coke-too-quickly-and-it's-spilling-everywhere" stance. and if you're doing that stance, you're probably making the corresponding face. you know what i'm talking about. the one where you look like a scared child and make that "thhhhhhhhhh!" hissy noise through your clenched teeth.
stupid stupid stupid.

- if you are trying to teach 2nd graders about erosion and need to purchase a piece of sod from home depot, don't try to purchase the sod in a nice white cardigan and no truck or piece of plastic to sit the sod on in your backseat. the home depot employee that is helping you out will probably think you are an idiot. you will pick up on this as soon as he laughs and talks to you like you've never stepped foot in the rugged outdoors before. and if you're like me, you will try to pretend that you knew the sod would get your nice cardigan and your backseat dirty and that you didn't care. end result= a car that smells like a garden and a dirty sweater.

- don't procrastinate on paying your phone bill that is due on the same day every month. with that comes the hassle of your phone service getting turned off only to, minutes later, go online (can't call), pay bill and $35 late fee, and get your phone back on. on top of that comes the added anxiety over what calls or texts you could have missed, then the discontent with yourself being so concerned that you may have missed important calls and texts over a period of probably 20 minutes.

-when the parking lot at school is full except for the empty space by the tree, don't park there. especially in the cold months when massive amounts of birds travel to oklahoma. trees are a popular hangout for birds. birds poop. if your car is parked near a tree, birds will probably poop all over it.

don't be stupid. happy summer :)


makes me smile...

i am overloaded with work this week. let me just give you a rundown of my homework that is all due by wednesday:

-consonant thematic unit- my consonant is "p" so i am doing my unit over pilgrims. a thematic unit entails a lesson plan for math, science, social studies, a language arts reading and writing connection activity and comprehension, an alliteration, poem and song, a word wall, bulletin board, game, activities, and ten trade books/book reviews. examples and artifacts required for each lesson plan/activity/game.

-for primary science: a science lesson plan and practicum at the school for children. so i will be teaching the science class my lesson.

music/art- another practicum at bethany elementary. music and art lesson. shoot me.
also, 25 music and art lesson plans are also due.

characteristics of early adolescence: an hour and a half presentation over gender...entails problems/stereotypes/characteristics, etc.
also, i have to read a "teen" book and present that as well.

there are some writing assignments thrown in there, too.

being an education major is lots of work. teachers do not get enough credit.

aaaanyways, what DOES make me smile is my job and the kids at my job. it makes all the work worth it. please look at the hilarity of these videos. the first one is tanysha. she has asperger's (we think) and is the highlight of my day (Even when she tells me she hates me).

and please note that it is not my voice talking in the beginning. that would be ms sherry. i just don't want anyone thinking i have developed a hick accent or something ;)

and here is brendan showing his best moves.



stereotypes of the modern homosexual male

oh, my elementary music and art class . it's from 6-8 pm on tuesdays. i don't plan on teaching music or art. the professor hates kaylee and i. i can't stand her either because she talks about herself the whole time. and she loves gifted children. who loves gifted children?! they're super annoying.

but that's not the point.

over spring break we had an assignment called a "blackout poem". we were handed a piece of paper with a random article written on it. mine was some article about masquerades in the 1500's or something. with said paper, we are to "black out" with sharpie the words we don't want and keep the words we do want on the paper to create a poem.

since she assigned this over spring break, my plan of action was to create my poem quickly in class and turn it in. you can't really give anyone's poetry an "F" so i was not willing to waste any time on this knowing i would get the same exact grade had i worked an hour on it .
luckily i was chosen to present my poem last so i had time to conjure something up as my classmates presented. their poems were either very cutesy and elementary school-like (not in a bad way- that is the class, after all) or really dark and awkwardly depressing. not to mention some were elaborate and artsy.
i was gazing over my paper and i saw the word "gay". my ten-year-old boy brain went on autopilot as i quickly spotted some other words that would fit the "gayness" of the poem quite nicely. even more fitting, i did not have a black sharpie handy- only a purple marker.

here was the result that i presented to the class (keep in mind EACH of these words were separated by paragraphs)

i titled it "stereotypes of the modern gay man"



fine eye for colors and fashion,

embellishments of glitter.

he steps to and fro merrily

stiff they venture to indulge in their gaieties (it was just too good to leave out. sorry)

night life buzz

expressive appearance.

i don't think prof anonymous liked this too much by the look on her face. but the class did.


for old time's sake.

over spring break (well, over allie and phil's spring break) team india (minus 1...) met up in the lovely city of boston to bask in one another's company once again. we hadn't seen each other since the summer so it was really nice to reminisce on our times in india with those who truly understand those memories. we decided that our meeting place was exactly the opposite of india- cold, clean, and full of convenience.
we re-lived stories such as phil's voice cracking during a song, the night by body broke out in hives literally from head to toe, auntie watching television and saying "britney spears wants to die...very funny", and the night our electricity went out (for longer than normal) and we sat around telling scary stories.
but, in true nostalgic fashion, we seemed to forget all the annoyances we had with india during our two month visit. annoyances such as nothing being efficient, no control over our schedule or lives, dirty feet, humidity, and bad attitudes in general.
that said, we fully intend to go back. together. mark my words.


the break-up

since i didn't have a boyfriend to break-up with on valentine's day this year (or any other year, really) i decided to instead break-up with my brown hair.

my brunette hair and i have had a good two and a half years together- going dark rescued me from having to spend $80 at my hair salon every 6 weeks to touch-up my roots (brown hair can be done at home for $10). even though i know low maintenance is generally a good thing, it can get boring and repetitive at times. "rich caramel brown" and "dark chocolate brown" always end up looking the same. always.

i could have gone back to being Blondie McBlonderson like i was in high school, but i instead chose to go back to (almost) my natural golden blonde color that i haven't seen since i was 14.

voila! mom is sure glad to see blonde back. she's missed it since the day i came home brunette.

other tidbits:

- jessy and i are writing a book compiled of funny stories...kinda like david sedaris and better than chelsea handler. it's going to be amazing because we're hilarious. and we're seriously writing it so stay tuned.

-the gerber commercial always played on TLC with the woman giving birth while she feeds the camera her line really creeps me out. not just that part- the entire commercial is just awkward.

-my grandmother along with all of my extended family members over the age of 60 have created facebook accounts while on some sort of enlightening family reunion in atlanta. i was already weirded out that i had to deny my mom's friend request several times..then when i saw all of my other relatives getting on facebook i gave up and let the inevitable happen. looking at their pages as they discover this technology is actually pretty funny.

- i'm going to boston for spring break to hang out with the team i went to india with. we're all excited to see what each other look like when we aren't ugly and sweaty.

-my roomates and i are currently watching the girls next door. i don't know whether to laugh at this show or be disgusted, so i laugh.


me in a box.

oh, the lovely first days of the semester. these are the days when i arrive to class on-time with my neatly organized binders (they're fun to organize when there's nothing in them but paper and maybe some of those subject separators), brand new writing utensils, hilighters that i FULLY intend to use for underlining the key study points in my textbooks, and an eager attitude that maybe this semester will be the one that i won't have to participate in any type of "getting to know you" games with my other classmates.
...and each semester, along with my poor hilighters (they didn't stand a chance) and attempts at organization, my idealistic hopes and dreams get shot to hell by at least one professor who feels the need to "break the ice". because at southern nazarene university, with an undergrad population of like 1500, none of us know each other.
at least i've got the name game down; my name starts with a "k" which leaves me with very few options. if i have to say my favorite food, i always say "kit-kat". favorite animal= koala. one word self-description limited to the first letter of my name? kooky.

tonight as i was walking to my first elementary music and art class ( i missed last tuesday night's class because i enrolled in it late) i was informed by kaylee that everyone was expected to bring five items in a box that represented who we are and we were to then explain/show the items in front of the class.
i remember having to do this exercise multiple times in middle school and hating it. the only good "me in a box" experience i had was in my 6th grade math class when a fellow classmate named pryncess hughes (seriously) stood in the front of the room with a brown paper sack that contained a stapler and some paper because she "liked to staple paper". either pryncess forgot to bring her "me in a box" items and scrambled those together last minute, or she had an extremely advanced sense of humor for a twelve year old and was sarcastically making fun of the whole stupid activity. either way it was hilarious and memorable for me.

otherwise, i see "me in a box" as a cruel way for middle school teachers to torture his/her students. since the average 11-15 year old is highly egotistical (except for pryncess hughes), this activity provokes stress and anxiety. what to bring? a picture of the family is out- could be seen as childish. POGS? are those still cool? maybe i could bring the eminem CD that i secretly bought with the "parental advisory" sticker on the insert. would it look like i was trying too hard? let me tell you...these were some tough times.

each student shows up to class the next day with five things in a bag (no one ever uses a box). and don't forget- the bag is another chance to nonchalantly strut your coolness. don't even think about toting around your items in a wal-mart bag, it's social suicide. you have to make sure you use an abercrombie, american eagle, or hollister bag. it makes people think that those stores are the only ones you shop at so therefore you had plenty of those bags just lying around.

in my experience most kids showed up with things like a copy of tiger beat magazine containing a JTT centerfold, misc. photos of them and their friends awkwardly making goofy faces (smiling isn't cool at this age), the hideous bracelet and/or necklace from claire's that they received from a friend their last birthday, a PG-13 or R movie stub that was probably found in their mom's purse, and other stuff that in no way represents who they are as a person at all. and to top it all off, they all spend so much time freaking out over how their peers perceive them and their belongings in a bag that they don't realize that everyone else in class is just as worried about their own presentation . so worried, in fact, that they are staring at the student in the front of the classroom with glazed eyes anxiously awaiting their fate without even listening to anyone else's "me in a box".
not that i know from experience or anything ;)

so basically what you have is a bunch of insecure pre-teen students sharing a false sense of themselves...to themselves; and due to lack of maturity and development they normally do not realize this-- which is why i think "me in a box" is worthless and just plain mean.

fast forward to college students doing this activity. like most did today, i will probably grab five things right before class and bore everyone to tears explaining what they mean to me.

...or maybe i'll bring a stapler and some paper. it'd surely be more interesting than the crosses and bibles everyone else brought.